Nov 9, 2020
The majority of personal training clients are women, and the majority of women will be pregnant at least once in their life. Yet, resistance training and nutrition during and following pregnancy are not topics most trainers are well versed in. Join Omar and Eric in this episode to watch these two flawed protagonists find redemption. They previously used the documentary “Junior” starring Saint Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito as their sole information source on pregnancy, but now they are enlightened. Join them on their knowledge-seeking journey in this episode. They learn all about lifting and nutrition during and following pregnancy with guests Molly Galbraith, CSCS, a world-leading evidence-based educator for women’s health and fitness through her work as the owner of Girls Gone Strong, and Marika Hart, an experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapist completing her post-graduate education incontinence and pelvic health.
Molly is
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and co-founder and
owner of Girls Gone Strong, a global movement dedicated to helping
women feel strong, confident, and empowered in their lives and
bodies through industry-leading education materials,
certification programs, and coaching — all focused on
Molly is also
the creator of the Girls Gone Strong Academy, the world's first
online academy housing multiple evidence-based, interdisciplinary,
women-specific certifications for health and fitness
Marika is a postgraduate trained physiotherapist, pilates
instructor, and mother-of-two. She is super passionate about
helping women feel fit, strong, and healthy during pregnancy and
For More Information:
Pre- &
Postnatal Coaching Certification Info Page
GGS Coaching & Training Women Closed Facebook
Free 5-Day Course: Exercises To Do & Avoid During & After
Free 5-Day Course: The Ultimate Guide To Coaching & Training
Postpartum Clients