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Iron Culture

May 31, 2021

Nutrition is not just about comparing methods, macro breakdowns, or foods. Navigating nutritional changes that support your goals is a skill set that needs to be actively developed over time. What are the common sources of error when someone “should” be losing or gaining weight based on their activity, body mass,...

May 24, 2021

Principle of specificity bro, everybody knows that? But do they? What’s more specific to a squat 1RM, a leg press 1RM, or doing a set of 10 on squats? Why does squatting have just as good of transference to leg press strength as it does to squatting, but not the other way around? Why won’t training tricep pushdowns...

May 17, 2021

On this episode of Iron Culture, we are joined by the strongest of them all: Amanda Lawrence. She currently tops the ranks of drug-tested raw powerlifting by coefficient using multiple formulae and is just weeks out from USAPL raw nationals where she hopes to further improve on her already mind-blowing total of 646kg at...

May 10, 2021

We’re back with round 2 of our question and answer episodes on Iron Culture! We begin with the dumpster fire that is the “Natty or Not” debate, hopefully providing some unique insights, and then we get into some useful advice on both accurately identifying, and potentially, when appropriate, addressing...

May 3, 2021

Dr. Ben House is back on Iron Culture! This time he’s here to explain why not only is exercise not pointless for weight loss, but indeed may be the most effective and low-risk tool we have to arrest the obesity epidemic. In this episode, we discuss why “exercise nihilism” for weight loss stems from an...