Nov 29, 2021
We’re back with Part 2 of our discussion on “What the Fitness Industry Gets Wrong About Obesity”, this time we move from a discussion about the divide between the diet and anti-diet narratives, and the role of the coach, and bring on a clinician. Dr. Spencer Nadolsky AKA “the doc who lifts” is an obesity and lipid specialist physician who works in the real world, on a day-to-day basis with his patients with obesity. He has to assess with each patient the potential risk and benefits of attempts at weight loss, what approach to use, and when medical interventions should be considered. Join us to learn how he has changed his opinions over time, the current state of the evidence, and how he constantly evolves his approach of communicating with his audience in order to hopefully educate, without doing harm. You don’t want to miss this episode of Iron Culture!